February 1941 issue ~ cover art by Norman Saunders

February 1941 issue

better image than previously posted

cover by Norman Saunders

Lawrence Treat, “Harlequin’s Death Mask” (Paul W. “Galahad” Baxter)

Anthony Clemens, “Suicide Express”

Wallace Umphrey, “Homicide Hunch”

Emile C. Tepperman, “Parade of the Wooden Kimonos” (Marty Quade)

Hal Quincy, “Murder’s Bargain Day”

Joe Archibald, “Slip Service” (Dizzy Duo)

Cliff Walters, “Big-House Heritage”

Walter Roeber Schmidt, “Crimson Shroud”

Clark Frost, “The Phantom Witness”

H. Q. Masur, “Coffin Conference” (Joe Brion)

March 1939 issue ~ cover art by Alfred G. Skrenda

March 1930 issue

cover art by Alfred G. Skrenda

[Hersey swastika: “The Symbol of Good Reading – A Hersey Magazine”]

May 1938 issue ~ cover art by John Fleming Gould

May 1938 issue

better image than previously posted

cover art by John Fleming Gould

Fred MacIsaac, “Nobody’s Stooge” (Rambler Murphy)

William E. Barrett, “The Devil’s Dice” (Blue Barrel)

John K. Butler, “Why Shoot a Corpse?” (Tricky Enright)

O.B. Myers, “The Golden Gag”

Cornell Woolrich, “Short-Order Kill”

Robert Sidney Bowen, “Five Seconds to Murder”

Lawrence Treat, “The Ghoul with the Green Eyes”