July 1938 issue

July 1938

Carroll John Daly, “A Corpse for a Corpse” (Race Williams)

Will McMorrow, “The House with the Red Door)

D.L. Campion, “Footprints on a Brain” (Insp. Allhoff)

T.T. Flynn, “Mr. Maddox and the Gray Ghost”

Jan Dana, “Murder for Not Much”

better image than previously posted

November 1944 issue ~ cover art by Rafael DeSoto

November 1945 issue

better image than previously posted

cover art by Rafael DeSoto

~ D.L. Champion, “Money Makes the Mare Go”, 19th of 26 with Sackler, ‘here dubbed “The Shylock of the Shamuses”’, 21st of 30 stories in BM

~ Julius Long, “Never Kid a Killing”, 8th of 17 stories with ’Ben Corbett, D.A.’s chief investigator, 1st -person narrator’, 13th of 23 stories in BM

~ E. Hoffmann Price, “I’ll Be Slaying You”, ‘Dave Stanton in military service; Bagdad, California’, author’s sole appearance in BM

~ H.H. Stinson, “Your Corpses Are Showing”, 13th of 14 with ‘Ken O’Hara, fighting reporter on Los Angeles’ Tribune, 21st of 27 stories in BM

~ Fergus Truslow, “Hardboot Homicide”, ‘ex-jockey Nick Apelman’, 2nd of 6 stories in BM

©Seattle Mystery Bookshop 

March 1944 issue ~ cover art by Rafael DeSoto

better image than previously posted

cover art by Rafael DeSoto

~ D.L. Champion, “Death for a Dollar”, 13th of 26 with Sackler, reprinted in Murder Costs Money: The Complete Black Mask Stories of Rex Sackler (Steeger, 2020), 15th of 30 stories in BM

~ Leslie Charteris, “Murder Goes to Market”, 2nd of 2 Saint stories, last appearance in BM

~ Dale Clark, “Hands Down”, 16th of 28 with house dick Mike O’Hanna story, at San Alpa Resort hotel, 18th of 32 stories in BM

~ C.P. Donnel, Jr., “Clues in the Night”, 14th of 16 with Colonel Walter (Doc) Rennie, USA Medical Corps, 17th of 20 stories in BM

~ Clyde Morehead, “Tears for Little Willie”, ‘short-short’, 1st of 2 stories in BM

~ Ted Stratton, “Call the Undertaker”, ‘Trigg’, 1st of 2 stories in BM

©Seattle Mystery Bookshop

July 1945 ~ cover art by Gloria Stoll

July 1945 issue 

cover art by Gloria Stoll

G.T. Fleming -Roberts, “Lady Killer!“  

D.L. Champion, “Yuma Appointment”

Frances Beck, “The Last, Long Ride”

Cyril Plunkett, “Second Kill”

Henry Norton, “Cadaver Wanted—Dead or Alive!“

Frances M. Deegan, “Torch Song”

Robert C. Dennis, “Crabtree’s Favorite Corpse”

Francis K. Allan, “Stand-in for Death”

Day Keene, “Murder on My Mind”