April 10, 1932 issue ~ cover art by Remington Schuyler

April 10, 1932

cover art by Remington Schuyler

March 10, 1944 issue ~ cover art by Edgar Franklin Wittmack

March 10, 1944

cover art by Edgar Franklin Wittmack

March-April 1938 issue ~ cover art by Rudolph Belarski

March-April 1938

better image than previously posted

cover art by Rudolph Belarski

Cornell Woolrich, “Jane Brown’s Body”

H. Bedford-Jones, “Seven Stars”

Max Brand, “Nine Flights to Waterloo”

Robert Carse, “Without Horns”

Richard Howells Watkins, “Smooth Sailor”

Philip Ketchum, “Guns for Kansas”

Richard Sale,“Duello”

Frank Richardson Pierce, “Mosquito Country”

Stookie Allen: Dollars and Sense

Theodore Roscoe, “Dark Rebellion”