October 1938 issue ~ cover art by John Fleming Gould

October 1938

cover art by John Fleming Gould

Carroll John Daly, “The Men in Black” (Race Williams)

T.T. Flynn, “Death Rides the Favorite” (Mr. Maddox)

H.F. Howard, “Let Nature Takes Its Corpse”

Leslie T. White, “The Price of Square Joe Bund”

Robert Sidney Bowen, “Murder Out of Thin Air” (Kip Lacey)

better image than previously posted

May 1938 issue ~ cover art by John Fleming Gould

May 1938 issue

better image than previously posted

cover art by John Fleming Gould

Fred MacIsaac, “Nobody’s Stooge” (Rambler Murphy)

William E. Barrett, “The Devil’s Dice” (Blue Barrel)

John K. Butler, “Why Shoot a Corpse?” (Tricky Enright)

O.B. Myers, “The Golden Gag”

Cornell Woolrich, “Short-Order Kill”

Robert Sidney Bowen, “Five Seconds to Murder”

Lawrence Treat, “The Ghoul with the Green Eyes”