February 1936 issue ~ cover art by Rudolph Belarski

February 1936 issue

better image than previously posted

cover art by Rudolph Belarski

Richard B. Sale, “Murder to Order”(Penny Packer)

Preston Grady, “Mystery of the Vampire Bat”

Charlton L. Edholm, “Fox Trail”

Edmond Hamilton, “The Ramrod Key Killings”

James W. Routh, “The Frame”

Darrell Jordan, “The Perfect Set-Up”

Arthur J. Burks, “Death by Inches” (Duff Braden)

Forbes Parkhill, “Playboy”

Donald S. Aitken, “Millionaire Complex”

Norman A. Daniels, “The Painted Trail”

William G. Bogart, “Tapped Wires”