September 1945 issue ~ cover art by Ernest Chiriacka


September 1945 issue

cover art by Ernest Chiriacka

Talmage Powell, “Uneasy Lies the Headstone” (Abner Murder/Mr. Murder)

Joe Archibald, “One Meat Brawl” (Dizzy Duo)

William Hellman (given as by William Hellmann), “A Word to the Wiseguy”

Emil Petaja, “Welcome Home to Nightmare”

Bill Morgan, “Death Paints a Poster”

E.C. Marshall, “Murder after the Fact”

William Rough, “Say Hello to Satan”

Lewis A. Keppen, “No License to Slay”

Berna Morris, “Station K-I-L-L Calling”

Rex Whitechurch, “Homicide’s Crimson Chariot” (Jerry Carlton)